New Publication on a GPI Anchor Mimic and Application to Probing Cell Surface Signaling

A big thank you to the Karunarathne, Martin, Sprague, and Payton groups, along with their students, for making the magic happen with a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor mimic prepared by our talented PhD candidate, Ms. Chloe Sebilleau. 🌟
Check out the study here:
This work presents a novel labeling method to incorporate protein-based sensors at the cell surface of intact cells, demonstrating its application to probe cell surface signaling.

Prof. Sucheck and his collaborators Awarded NIH grant to create and study new antibacterial vaccines

In January we received an award for our multi PI grant titled “Methods to Synthesize Oligosaccharide-Fusion Protein Conjugates and Enhancement of their Antigenicity”. The scope of the project includes oligosaccharide, protein, and adjuvant synthesis. The components will combined and evaluated as antibacterial vaccines. The 2.3 million dollar grant, awarded over 5 years, supports research in the Sucheck group as well as research in the groups of Prof. Katherine Wall and Prof. Erin Prestwich.  

Prof. Sucheck Appointed Chair Elect of the ACS CARB Division

In January of 2020 Prof. Sucheck became Chair Elect of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Carbohydrates. ACS CARB programs a broad range glycoscience-related symposia at ACS National Meetings. The organization also helps to foster community withing the glycosciences. Keep informed of ACS CARB activities at . Join ACS CARB Division for receive our biannual newsletter and society emails.