This week Prof. Sucheck was elected as the next Secretary of the American Chemical Society Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry. If you are not a member of the division and would like to become one you can join here.
Sandeep Thanna receives a best Oral Presentation Award at the 11th MCGS
The group traveled to Cleveland State University for the 11th Midwest Carbohydrate and Glycobiology Symposium. The students did a fantastic job presenting their work and listened to some great talks. Sandeep Thanna received one of the best oral presentation awards.
Dr. Partha Karmakar Graduates
Partha Karmakar successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and completed his final oral presentation. Partha left this week to Washington University School of Medicine to begin postdoctoral studies with Prof. James Janetka.
New 'Private' Sucheck Chemistry Group Website Lauched
We are trying out an new website to ensure good visibility for the research group. It's also mobile compatible and basically just cooler than what we had before. I'll be working on new photo galleries over the next week. If you have any content suggestions let me know.
New Publication
Lindenberger, J. J; Veleti, S. K.; Wilson, B.; Sucheck, S. J.; Ronning, D. R. Crystal structures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis GlgE and complexes with noncovalent inhibitors. Sci. Reports. 2015. DOI: 10.1038/srep12830.
250th ACS National Meeting
Presentation of 'Synthesis of Substrate and Transition State Inhibitors of S. coelicolor GlgEI-V279S'
Sri Kumar Veleti, Jared J. Lindenberger, Sandeep Thanna, Donald R. Ronning and Steven J. Sucheck
Dr. Vishwanath Giatonde Graduates
Summer 15' Congratulations Vish on completing your Ph.D. Best wishes in your new position at PharmaCore.